
Oct 26, 2007 11:28

Harry has his own library card now.  I was so glad when the librarian told me he could have his own card, because I was having to try to fit books for him in with books for me to read, and books for Uni, in a 10-book-at-a-time limit!  He wasn't that interested today while we were picking out his books, until I put him on the floor so I could pick some books for myself and he started SQUEALING in delight!  It was so cute!  I guess from his perspective he was surrounded by books, towering above him!  So many books!  I'm so glad he loves books.  I can't wait until he's a little older and he's a little more responsive, and we can talk about the stories.  He usually sits so still while we read to him, concentrating on the pictures.  When he gets excited he squeals with delight and wants to turn the pages himself, but he's always really gentle - Mum said I was the same when I was his age.

For now, he's asleep, and I'm off to have a look through what I borrowed!
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