Tips & Tricks

Aug 12, 2011 21:21

I've found myself making some minor but important changes (both intentional and unintentional) to my habits and routine, and they seem to be having a positive effect so far. I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep the momentum and make these improvements last.

First of all, I've been trying to keep a more consistent morning routine. While I have been using a Timer app to plan out my routine, I've nonetheless struggled to find the energy or motivation to get out the door in a timely fashion.

Although I have to bill a certain number of hours by the end of every year, I don't have to start work at a particular time unless I have a court appearance or another commitment. This level of flexibility can often be helpful, but, if one is not disciplined, it can be easy to fall into a pattern of arriving late, working late to make up for it, and going to sleep late.

I have therefore pledged to get a reasonably early start in the mornings, and, in order to create a certain level of urgency, I have decided to create immediate consequences for any tardiness.

I have decided that I ought to be ready to leave (i.e. seated inside my car) at a given time each morning; for every minute that I am late on a particular day, I pledge 25 cents to the charity of the month (which might carry over if I don't end up running late that month). While the consequences aren't dire if I am a little late one day, they provide the necessary motivation for me to rally and meet my goal. Plus, the charges prevent me from becoming complacent and getting an even later start, since I'm more aware of the consequences of sticking around.

I don't allow for 'deductions' if I arrive a few minutes early, because (1) it's more important for me to keep a consistent schedule, and (2) I don't want to rationalize a late morning by assuming that I can 'make it up' the next day, as that strategy never works.

So far, the strategy has been pretty helpful. I'm hoping to extend it to weekends when I can, since 'wasted' Saturdays and Sundays can be so discouraging, and I'd like to get an earlier start on my days off.

I've also curbed my caffeine consumption considerably, although the decision to do so was not entirely voluntary.

I've started wearing Invisalign attachments to correct some minor misalignments on my teeth; as the name implies, they are transparent plastic molds that are placed over the teeth and exert pressure in order to realign them. Naturally, a person has to keep them in as much as possible in order to achieve good results, and they're also a bit of a hassle to remove.

One thing about the aligners: you can't eat with them in, since food could stain or otherwise damage the aligner. With the exception of water, drinks are also out.

Which means I've been drinking a lot less tea, and a lot more water. This is probably a good thing.

On another note, I've started using Spotify, and I really enjoy it. I find that having some Classical music readily available really helps me get through the day at work.

Location:Sunset Blvd,Los Angeles,United States
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