Today's Tweets:

Nov 05, 2009 23:45

  • 10:28 Oh dear... Snow. Eggnog Hot Chocolate. Christmas themed mailout arriving in my inbox from Sephora. IT'S HAPPENING!
  • 10:29 Must- fight--- Christmas- Cheer... At least until the Halloween decorations are down. ;)
  • 11:07 Eee! The Glee soundtrack that was just released has "Defying Gravity" from Wicked on it. Glee cast production of Wicked next episode maybe?
  • 14:27 Aaaarg! Bones Season 2, you're killin' me! Just hurry up and be in love already!
  • 18:49 Aww, @stephenfry is on this episode of Bones. :) He's supergreat. This show it supergreat.
  • 18:55 Hey! Ted Theodore Logan is also in this episode! Time was NOT kind to him... O_o
  • 18:56 Wait, no - Bill S. Preston Esquire. ;)
  • 19:18 Aaand French Stewart. I hardly recognized him.
  • 19:44 Making shrimp, bacon and pesto pasta in a cream sauce with toasted pine nuts. It's our first meal in days that hasn't consisted of hotdogs!
  • 20:51 Omg, REAL food, I forgot how TASTY you are! 
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