Today's Tweets:

Nov 01, 2009 23:45

  • 10:16 Oh man, INSANE headache this morning. INSANE. Gonna miss breckie / brunch. :(
  • 14:38 Just woke up now! Headache just an ache-y memory. Sorry I missed breakfast with you awesome peeps, but sleep was fan-friggin-tabulous.
  • 14:39 Now it's time to play "Let's Wander Around and See What People Left at Chris & Jenny's Halloween Party."
  • 14:51 Only gummy candies left?! Curse you all! ;)
  • 17:27 So our final count for the Halloween party is 53 people. Awesome turnout this year! :D Now I'm sad it's over.
  • 22:39 Time to settle into bed with Preacher and a big 'ol glass of water. Also Mr. B. We'll see how getting up in the morning goes... I'm so sore!
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