Today's Tweets:

Oct 31, 2009 00:45

  • 08:35 Keys? Check. Purse? Check. Last minute office Halloween costume? Check:
  • 08:47 Hey! Another person getting on the bus is dressed like a demon! I feel less insane. :P
  • 11:40 A little girl chased me around shoppers playing with my veil. Adoooorable.
  • 11:43 Although the class of the ESL school for adults in the same building as bitHeads seem less impressed...
  • 11:44 I think the kicker is the upside-down cross necklace.
  • 11:55 bitHeads pumpkin carving contest goin' on in the kitchen. Also had my photo taken for the costume contest. So glad I didn't book today off!
  • 14:34 Wow. Today went to shit real fast.
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