Oct 18, 2009 00:45
- 00:28 Why is it I have a cold when I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning, but during the day it disappears? Where does it go?...
- 09:41 Oh man, I do noooot feel well this morning. :( Super dizzy and muscle-achy. I don't have time for this. Seriously. :,(
- 10:04 Alright, 2 Gravols down the hatch. Goodnight flu. See you in 8 hours.
- 12:09 My favorite Scott Pilgrim moment so far: twitpic.com/lw4ou
- 15:56 Ok #Glee, you win. I'm all yours. Although using Journey to help you is dirty pool.
- 16:11 Seriously, this show is fabulous. It makes me happy just watching it. :D
- 19:44 Ooooooh, mah guts. They be angry. Hope that delicious turkey soup wasn't a bad idea...
- 21:48 Man, I hate having the flu. Always feels like such wasted time. Plus, it's not even 11:00 on a Saturday and I can hardly keep my eyes open.
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