SPN fic: Tell Me Why 1/1

Nov 25, 2015 11:48

SUMMARY: Missing scene from 10x03. The talk I wanted to see, answering the question I wanted to know. Why was Demon-Dean's hatred of Sam so.... personal?


fic, spn

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Comments 14

borgmama1of5 November 25 2015, 17:27:23 UTC
"It was nothing you did. It was personal because you're my brother. See, what happens when a person becomes...." His voice broke and he swallowed. "....what I was? Everything gets twisted. Every emotion becomes dark."

That makes perfect sense! Though I don't know if Dean would ever actually verbalize it...


jennytork November 25 2015, 17:52:20 UTC
This Dean would, for no other reason than to make Sam understand. That's what I love about fanfic. :D


sillie82 November 25 2015, 21:35:22 UTC
Aww... <3


jennytork November 26 2015, 12:37:23 UTC


milly_gal November 26 2015, 08:22:35 UTC
This makes perfect sense, and I loved your take ont he why!

I always thought it was a little like, Demon!Dean would be angry with Sam on such a personal level because Sam embodied Dean's entire 'life' his emotions and the memory of the guilt. Just because he can't feel it anymore doesn't mean he can't remember the feeling!


jennytork November 26 2015, 12:38:22 UTC
Thank you!

I can see that rationale, too.



milly_gal November 26 2015, 14:50:05 UTC
How you been honey, still busy like crazy?


jennytork November 26 2015, 15:46:39 UTC
Oooohhh yeah.

With the holidays upon is, things always shift into "high". With hubby having surgery in less than two weeks, that adds a whole other layer of crazy.

How are things on your end?


immortal_jedi November 29 2015, 01:24:01 UTC
Oh, lovely! That makes so much sense!


jennytork November 30 2015, 07:57:17 UTC
Thank you!


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