Two Sunday funnies

Apr 06, 2015 10:35

Yesterday at church we were having a small communion service -- small because out of the 260 who came for the morning service only 30 or so stayed for communion! -- and our pastor told us to imagine we were in the first century and hearing Paul's letter to the Ephesians for the first time. So he read it like a letter. He got to the part where Paul says that even the angels stand in awe of the love of God.

At which point Steve leaned over and whispered, "Castiel," and got this pop-eyed, slack-jawed, hit-in-the-nuts-stunned look.

I started laughing so hard I literally had to clamp my hands over my mouth and focus on the service!

The other was a closed caption ooops. Because of my particular flavour of Asperger's coupled with a mild hearing loss, I understand speech best when I can both hear AND see what's being said. (which is why I stare at lips.) So I have the closed captioning on the TV. (Hey, taught my daughter to read before she was two without me doing a thing, so.... ANYWAY...)

Yesterday night I was watching Wednesday's DVR'ed episode of Rachael Ray's talk show and they had this gem of a CC blooper!


So if you have family members or friends who are furry.....


So if you have family members or friends who are buried....


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