Snippet Meme

Jan 24, 2015 11:18

Rules are, post a snippet from three of your WIPs.

1) from my superdisney fic:

Jericho, California. October 27, 2005.

John Winchester put a pin into a newspaper article and stood back. He was now positive he was dealing with a Weeping Woman. What to do about her was the question.

John Winchester.

He froze. ".....what the....."

John Winchester, I have need of you.

He spun, seeing no one. His hand reached toward his gun.

My name is Michael. I am an angel of the Lord. You are my vessel, and I require permission for you to let me in.

"And why in the hell would I do that?"

Because I intend to save your sons.

(To be posted February 4!)

2) from the genteensybang fic

Ruby hummed to herself as she brushed her long dark hair. She put down the brush and lifted the necklace that used to house her essence, pausing only a moment before clasping it round her neck.

All these weeks, and she still felt absolutely naked without it.

3) New Mileage story "Pride of Life" -- when you see "Dean" picture Jared and "Sam" picture Jensen:

Sue leaned on the bar and purred, "Attend me, Pet."

Sam and Ruby spun, gaping as the bar's door opened and three men entered. They were armed with knives of varying lengths and as they fanned out to surround the four, their eyes began to glow a vivid violet.

At Cas's shout of "Dean!" Sam turned to find his brother walking calmly toward the bar.

"Dean?" Sam echoed, then repeated it in horror as Dean turned and leveled his gun at them. Dean's face held no expression, and his eyes were glowing violet.

Sue smirked. "You can save your breath. He's mine now."
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