Top Five Meme answers part one

Feb 24, 2014 13:59

So, here are my answers.

angelus2hot wanted my top favourite SPN fanfics.

Well. This is literally impossible to answer. I don't have a top five -- I have a top five HUNDRED. So I thought I would randomly hit five out of those, and they turned out to be preseries ones. So here are five randomly chosen of my favourite SPN fanfics.

Living Expenses -- A classic where Dean goes to check up on Sam and finds him living in poverty.

Laochanan -- Sometimes even the best-laid plans of demons and angels gang agley. Sometimes a day is longer than it seems. Sometimes getting home is only half the battle.

To Have And To Hold -- Telekinetic Dean -- the tornado scene alone is worth the price of admission!

the Teacher's Lounge Coffee Klatch -- one of the best Johns I have ever read!

Time and Space -- Sam leaves for college -- and so does Dean.

thursdaysisters wanted to know my top 5 songs for movie villains. (Caveat -- most of these are old or children's movies, cause that's all I watch)

5) Pink Floyd's "Money" for Pocahontas's governor.
4) AC/DC's "Back in Black" for Darth Vader.
3) Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody" for Norman Bates.
2) Frank Sinatra's "My Way" for Lina Lamont (Singin in the Rain)
1) The Who's "Who Are You" for Moriarty.

faithburke wanted my top 5 crossover fic recs.

I Need A change Of Scenery -- the first SPN crossover I ever read and -- quite frankly -- one of the best. She takes a 60s psychadelia show and merges it with SPN and somehow -- it works while staying true to BOTH universes!

That said.... let's make it easy on everyone, especially my LJ word count: just go to here and read every crossover story. This gal is the QUEEN of the SPN crossovers and she is -- understatement -- brilliant at it.

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