SPN drabble: The Remedy

Dec 31, 2012 09:26

SUMMARY: How the crew of the MaryJohn battles insomnia. Written for the spn_bigpretzel Altered States drabble prompt "tryptophan"

Each of the MaryJohn's crew periodically got insomnia. Each battled it in his own way.

Dean created a pill tailored to his unique metabolism. He would get six hours in a water tank, with no side-effects.

Cas preferred meditation and prayer, and would often drift off with a peaceful smile on his face.

Sam relied on a remedy the brothers had stumbled on when he was little. He was very sensitive to something called tryptophan.

Turkey and milk would send him into a deep, relaxing sleep. Always had - always would.

Dean often teased him - but Sam didn't mind.

fic, big pretzel story, spn, drabble, maryjohn au

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