SPN: Titanic!AU: Always With The Paper 1/1

Dec 17, 2011 16:39

SUMMARY: Written from this prompt: Titanic!AU. Christmas at Bobby's with Ellen and Jo, and a sick!hurt!Dean who gets TLC from the ladies.


"Dude - it's their first Christmas since Jo left school. We'll only be in the way this year."

"He said we were just as much family as Jo is and we're always welcome."

"No. Let's head up to Bismarck - I hear they've got a great lights display this year."

"Shoot you for it."

"Sure, why not. ....Dammit!"

"Aw, Sammy....always with the paper...."


The Mustang pulled up outside of B & E Salvage and Sam climbed out of the driver's seat. That was unusual enough that it brought Bobby out to the porch. "You boys okay?"

"Merry Christmas," Sam called. "Dean said we could come."

"You know you can! Why would you think you couldn't?"

"Well, I thought....since Jo is outta school now...."

Ellen appeared at Bobby's elbow. "Sam Winchester, you're being a brat! You're our boys and are always welcome here!"

Bobby smiled and put his arm around her.

"Told you," Dean said from the front seat as Sam opened the doors. He swung his legs around and seemed to use something to pull himself up.

As he came around the door and Sam pushed it closed, Ellen gasped and then her eyes narrowed. "Okay, I can't wait to hear the story behind this."

Dean shrugged as best he could without losing his balance. "Surprise?"

"One hell of an unpleasant surprise," Bobby grumbled.

Ellen elbowed him slightly. "Get in here. You need to sit down."

It was a measure of how either in pain or exhausted Dean was that he didn't argue with her. Instead, he made his way up the stairs and inside slowly and carefully, moving as fast as the leg braces and forearm crutches would allow - always with Sam's large hand on the small of his back, supporting his brother without a word.


Dean groaned as he sat down and pushed his arms out of the crutches. Sam pulled his legs up onto the ottoman and he closed his eyes. "Wow.... I've been ridin' too long."

Jo came in and frowned at him. "If that's just for show, I'm going to smack you with a gun butt."

"Not for show," Dean sighed. "Meg finally crawled out of hiding and she did a number on my back. I've only been able to feel my legs - somewhat - for a few days. Moving them is still very hard, but I'm vertical again, so that's something."

Sam picked it up. "Yeah, the docs say he'll be back to normal by my birthday - if he keeps up with his PT. Which is pretty much Mission: Impossible, knowing him."

"Well, it's going to be 'Mission: Possible' now," Ellen said, coming back in with a glass of ice water and running a maternal hand through Dean's soft, ungelled hair. "You two are staying here until you're all better."

"Might as well haul out the white flag now," Jo snickered. "You know how Mom is - and Bobby's just as bad."

"We really can't," Sam said. "We can't impose on you like that."

"It's not imposing," Dean argued. "They really want us to stay, Sammy. They really want to help us!"

"Dean --"

"And the girls are right," Dean went on. "I need somewhere to heal and they want us to stay."

"Dean, you're doing just fine!"

"Fine." Dean held out his fist. "Let's shoot for it so we won't be here all night arguing."

"Fine." Sam held out his. A quick one-two-three, and their hands altered. Sam let out a soft growl of frustration. "Fine," he said with a sigh, getting up. "We'll stay."

Dean watched him go, grinning behind his back. "Aw, Sammy," he chuckled softly. "Always with the paper...."

prompt, fic, titanic au, supernatural

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