Mileage: What Happens In Vegas.... 1/4

Nov 09, 2010 16:06

Also written for my hc_bingo card, square "Forced Marriage".

" the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Sir, you may kiss your bride."

Smatters of applause from the witnesses sounded as the traditional triumphant final song of the wedding played and the new spouses shared a warm, tender kiss.

When the applause died, the couple turned and the very tall man smiled down at his beautiful blonde bride. The pastor spread his hands and announced:

"Assembled guests, I present to you Mr and Mrs Dean and Jo Winchester!"



"Funny," Sam said as he wiped the stray hairs he'd just cut off of Dean's face. "This face didn't seem so broad in the mirror."

That made Dean chuckle, though he didn't open his eyes. "Strange, isn't it? My face is broader to you and I swear I don't remember having such girly eyelashes!"

"Yeah, I got a newsflash for ya, bro," Sam chuckled as he measured the bangs and sides, making sure they were the same length on each side. "Those lashes? Were girl-long when you were lookin' outta these eyes."

"Huh," Dean said, frowning a little. "Seriously? I never noticed."

"There. Done. Go shower or the hairs'll itch you crazy." Sam stepped back and gathered up the scissors and comb, moving to the sink to rinse them off.

Dean showered, then came out and looked down at Sam, who was now sprawled on one of the motel beds. "You know what? Maybe you should advertise. 'Sam Winchester, Traveling Barber'."

Sam huffed out a laugh and rolled jade eyes. "Saves us a lot of money, fast as your hair grows."

"Yeah, it grows so fast that you're getting real good at cuttin' it." Dean pulled on his shirt, pausing to touch the tattoo their new friend Castiel had burned into his chest.

"What're you thinking about?" Sam asked, watching Dean lift the amulet from underneath his shirt.

Dean chuckled, watching in the mirror as the still-new dimples appeared. "You may look like me, but that constant interrogation is all Samantha."

Sam laughed, in too good of a mood to rise to the bait.

"Wasn't really thinking about anything," Dean admitted as he came and sat down on the bed by Sam's legs. "Maybe about dinner."

Sam opened his mouth to reply, when his cell rang. He answered it after checking the caller ID. "Hey, Ellen!" He laughed softly. "No, Ellen, it's Sam in here, remember?"

He sat up. "Sure. Where do we meet you?" He looked up at Dean. "Bobby's?"

"Five hours out."

"We're five hours away. .. Okay, see you then." Sam hung up the phone.

Dean had already begun gathering their things. "So what's up?"

"Ellen wants us to come talk to her. Jo's stumbled onto something, and she might need our help."

On to chapter two

fic, mileage au, supernatural

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