Title: Many Ways
Fandom: The Power Monkees.
Characters: All Four, plus wives
Prompt: 092. Christmas.
Word Count: 312
Rating: G (Fan rating K)
Summary: How the Monkees see Christmas.
It was a proven fact -- get any group of four people together, and they'd have four different ways of doing things.
The Monkees were no different. Take how they celebrated Christmas, for example.
For Peter and Valerie -- and to an extent, Mike -- Christmas was one of the most holy days of the year -- the birthday of their Saviour. It was also the only day of the year all four Monkees were in church together -- which meant the world to Peter. Davy and Micky's attendance was a mark of their deep friendship with Peter and his bride more than a matter of actual faith.
For Micky and Mel, Christmas was an excuse to go over the top in EVERYTHING. Decorating, presents, cooking, New Year's party -- all of it. Both were excellent at cooking and decorating, and the others reaped the benefits of it.
Every year since her death, Davy spent at least an hour every Christmas day at Bess's grave. Two of his three later wives had completely understood -- and his third wife, June, had even accompanied him. Every year since the divorce, she would send flowers for Davy to put on Bess's grave. Sharon -- his fourth wife -- had ridiculed his practice of visiting, and that had been his first clue that she hadn't really loved him.
Christmas was a time when the Earth was charged with such magic that it was the one time of the year when Mike's wife Phyllis was able to circumvent the taboo against leaving Faeryland. So long as she remained with her mortal king, she was healthy. She had to return every January first, though.
A high holy day. An excuse to have fun. A time to feel all emotions -- even grief. A time of magic that allowed an entire family to be together when they normally could not.
Christmas was all of this to the Monkees.