Birthday Presents! = Today's Good Thing, AKA More Reasons For Me To Love Tom

Oct 20, 2006 23:11

My birthday gift from Tom arrived today.

He got me March of the Penguins and The Visual Culture of Wales: Medieval Vision.

Now, the movie is cool. I was hearing good things about it when it was first in the theatres, and thought it sounded pretty interesting.

The book though...

I have been lusting after this book for over a year now. When I opened the box and saw it in there... Well, I'm suprised none of you heard my squeals of joy! It's full of color photographs of actual artifacts from medieval Wales. Statues and carvings, stained glass windows, manuscripts and paintings. Tons of stuff that will be very useful to me in trying to build my Welsh persona for the SCA.

Thank you so much beloved!

In the last few days I've also gotten cards from my Grandmother, who included a couple of old family pictures, and from Tom's sister Sara.

genre: non-fiction: history, family: grandparents, holidays: birthday, family: in-laws

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