My weekend

Mar 19, 2012 14:56

My friend Katie & I shared a room for Lunacon this weekend.

The con was good, and hanging out was a lot of fun. I drove down to her place on Friday night, we rode over to the con together Saturday morning, and stayed till mid-afternoon Sunday. Once we got back to her place my plan was to stay for dinner or maybe a little later, but time got away from me and I ended up staying there Sunday night and driving straight in to work this morning.

I didn't make it to as many panels as I usually like to at a con, but the ones I did go to were pretty good. There was a Tamara Pierce reading, a panel about the legal aspect of fan-creations, one on trends in alternate history, and... I'm forgetting the others. I got a lot of knitting done during the panels and actually finished my little sister's (very late) Christmas present. Now I just have to get it to her.

I think this was the first time I've arrived in the middle of a con rather than very early or even just before it started. I have to say I didn't like it as much. I'm able to have more fun if I can settle into my room before I start going to panels and other activities. Something to keep in mind for the future.

I picked up a couple of books from the dealer's room: The Colman's Mustard Cookbook
and The Big Book of the Dolls' House
. I should be able to have fun with both of them.

projects: crafts: knitting, cons: lunacon, lj: links: amazon, projects: ideas, lj: links

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