A slightly less silly way to get more exercise

Mar 12, 2012 12:39

I posted a slightly silly idea for getting more exercise the other day.

After going down to the Bronx Zoo with Tom & Kailey this Saturday I had better numbers to use, and figured out that it's probably not cost effective to go every week. Maybe once a month.

Instead, I'm going to try to explore closer interesting places each weekend. The problem with that plan is that I'm not sure what nearby towns are worth exploring. Note: By "explore," I mostly mean window shop. Yes, I like hiking in the woods, but since I'm using this as a way to trick myself into getting more exercise I need something that keeps my brain too busy to notice how tired my body is getting. Cities and towns do that for me in a way that nature doesn't.

I'm defining "nearby" as less than a two hour drive away. Anybody have any suggestions? They need to have a downtown with enough interesting shops in it that it will take me several hours to fully explore.

This is my list so far:
  • Lake George, NY
  • New Paltz, NY
  • Chatham, NY
  • Hudson, NY
  • Red Hook, NY
  • Rhinebeck, NY
  • Bennington, VT
  • Stockbridge, MA
  • Pittsfield, MA
  • Williamstown, MA
  • Springfield, MA
  • Northampton, MA
  • Catskill, NY
  • New York, NY
  • Saratoga Springs, NY
  • Ballston Spa, NY
  • Woodstock, NY & Saugerties, NY - Woodstock takes me about 4 hours, Saugerties about 2, so I'm combining them into one day from now on.
  • Shaftsbury, VT
  • Cooperstown, NY
  • Great Barrington, MA
  • Cobleskill, NY
  • Manchester, VT
  • New York, NY

general life: travel, projects: exercise

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