Wednesday is found

Jan 26, 2011 10:55

Body: My right arm is still a little painful, but nothing else seems to be bothering me.

Stress Level: 3

Reading: Again, lots of sample chapters, but nothing that grabbed my attention.

Hearing: Music. So far the iPod has been playing lots of Tom's Rush collection and a lot of filk.

Etsy Find: A pattern to make a stuffed bookwyrm. I suspect it's beyond my sewing ability, but it's really cute.

Project Follow-up: I just did the treadmill at the gym, but that's better than nothing. I didn't find anything good for my swap at the Crossgates dollar store, and the dishes and detangling didn't happen at all.

Tonight's Project: I'm going to try a different dollar store for the swap, and try to make progress on the dishes and yarn once I get home.

Randomness: Over the last couple of years Tom and I have kind of gotten into wine. (It's all my Dad's fault.) We've found that for us, Reisling is a good default white wine. While it isn't always the perfect choice, I don't think we've ever regretted either buying a particular bottle or having it with a particular food. Right now we're trying to find a default red wine.

Get your own valentinr

general life: health: mental, general life: wine, general life: health: arms, general life: state of the jenny, projects: swaps, general life: health, lj: links: etsy, projects: exercise, lj: links

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