Thursday Is for Thinkers

Jan 13, 2011 12:27

(Trying to get back in the habit of posting this every day.)

Body: I've been feeling pretty good lately.

Stress Level: 2

Book Review: The Briar King
, The Charnel Prince
, and The Blood Knight by Greg Keyes
, the first three books in his The Kingdoms of Thorn and Bone quartet. Very good dark fantasy. Too much to try to summarize, so I'll just say it's a complicated story with interesting characters and good world building. Rating: 7 out of 10. Not loanable on the Kindle as of 1-13-11.

Reading: I started The Born Queen
(book 4 of the series above) last night.

Hearing: The sound of my co-workers working.

Etsy Find: Beautiful Wool Coat. I don't need a new winter coat, and this one is on the expensive side, but oh is it ever pretty.

Tonight's Project: The usual Thursday night dinner with the gang. Around that I need to stop and pick up the last few odds'n'ends of stuff for Arisia, mix up some honey mustard to take, and do my packing. I also want to wind the yarn for the project I'm bringing into a ball, and if I have time cast on and stitch a row or two.

Randomness: So in addition to getting more exercise, I'm also trying to change the way I eat. For now, I'm just making a couple of small changes. 1) I'm using My Fitness Pal to track my calories consumed, and trying to stop when (or before) it tells me I've had enough. I've told it my goal is to lose half a pound a week, which seems achievable. 2) I'm trying to drink more water. The rule I'm using for now is that I need to consume as much water as soda. The way I'm doing it is that when I finish a soda I refill the container with water and drink that before I let myself buy another soda. At some point I may up that to 2:1.

general life: health: weight, genre: fiction: fantasy, lj: links: amazon, cons: arisia, genre: fiction, rating: 7 out of 10, tech: kindle, projects: crafts: knitting, projects: crafts, general life: health, lj: links: etsy, projects: exercise, lj: links

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