Monday is a social platform

Nov 29, 2010 10:58

Body: The pain in my left ankle is not only still there, but it's spread down to my toes and up my calf. It feels like one big charlie horse. When I get home this evening I'm going to try wrapping it in the heating pad for a while and see if that helps. At least nothing else hurts, which is a pleasant surprise after this weekend.

Stress Level: 3

Book Review: I finished The Habitation of the Blessed
last night. Wonderful book. 9 out of 10, and the only reason it isn't a perfect score is because you need to have at least a tiny bit of familiarity with the source material to get the most out of it.

Etsy Find: Adorable little dragon earrings!.

Project Follow-up: Busy, fun weekend. Tom & I spent Thanksgiving day with 11th_letter, ioldanach, nounsandverbs, purpura, and the rest of their household and guests. There was way too much amazing food, and lots of top quality hanging out. Friday was a lazy morning, and then a second Thanksgiving dinner (this one with Mom & the kids) in the late afternoon. Saturday I got up way too early for a day off, picked my brother Jon up from Mom's house, and went to NYC. We didn't really do anything particular while we were there, but mostly just wandered around and people watched. I did take him to The Strand for the first time, which was pretty cool. We ended up going home a little earlier than expected because my legs were toast. When I got home Tom and a visiting friend were in the middle of making Chicken Tikka Masala and Samosas from scratch. So yummy. They had also gotten and set up our new couch (actually a futon). Sunday was spent in pretty much a vegetative state, recovering from the entire weekend. Overall, it was a great few days.

Tonight's Project: Moving my craft supplies/books from their current home to a new bookshelf. Hopefully, this one will be able to support the weight. I may also take pictures of some stuff so that I can add things to my etsy shop. I have a few finished projects that have been waiting to go up for a while and I have some supplies I'm never going to get around to using that I need to de-stash.

Randomness: Just as a public service, I'm going to remind people that if you buy me yarn (or any other craft supply), you get first dibs on what I make with it.

general life: food, review: book, rating: 9 out of 10, general life: homemaking, projects: crafts, general life: health: joints, holidays: thanksgiving, lj: links: etsy, general life: health: mental, genre: fiction: fantasy, lj: links: amazon, genre: fiction, general life: health: feet, general life: state of the jenny, general life: friends, genre: fiction: historical, general life: travel: nyc, general life: health: joints: ankles, general life: travel, general life: health, lj: links

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