Monday is often called a blue day

Sep 20, 2010 11:56

Body: Both knees are bothering me.

Book Review: I read World Made by Hand: A Novel
over the weekend. It was good but... superficial somehow. For all that the topic is pretty serious, the author seems to only touch the surface. 6 out of 10.

Hearing: Nancy Pearl Book Reviews; This American Life (Episode 400 is not one of their best, although the last story was pretty good); and Dan Carlin's show Common Sense. This episode of Common Sense is pretty depressing (starting with "honor" killings in the middle east and going on to human rights in general and what we as a nation can really do about other nations not living up to our standards), and I think when I'm done with it I'm going to put on my "Good Mood Music" playlist and cheer myself up.

Etsy Find: Etched Silver Carpe Diem necklace.

Project Follow-up: I got a little bit of cordialing and a little bit of knitting done this weekend.

Randomness: If you could meet a character from a book, who would it be? Why? What would you want to ask them?

review: book, projects: crafts: knitting, rating: 6 out of 10, general life: health: joints, lj: links: etsy, lj: links: podcast, lj: questions, lj: links: amazon, genre: fiction, general life: state of the jenny, genre: fiction: science fiction, general life: thoughts, projects: cordials, general life: health, general life: thoughts: books, general life: health: joints: knees, lj: links

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