Sep 04, 2010 10:13
I'm going on a mini-adventure tonight. A friend discovered that the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey is playing at midnight tonight. It's one of his favorite movies, and it's one I've always wanted to see, so we're going.
The only catch: the theater is in New York City. For him, it's only a minor nuisance. He works in the city, and has to be there super early on Sunday mornings anyway, so after the movie he'll just go to the office and nap for a couple hours and then clock in even earlier than normal. For me... I'll end up having to kill basically the entire night before I can get a train back to my car.
It's going to be an interesting 24 hours. :)
general life: geekiness,
general life: friends,
general life: travel: nyc,
general life: travel,
media: movies