Tuesday is considered a particularly lucky day

Jul 20, 2010 11:59

Body: Right knee is not happy. It feels like somebody is trying to pry my kneecap off with a butterknife.

Reading: Still working on The Golden Bough by James Frazer. This is the abridged edition, and it's still absurdly long.

Hearing: Again, The Footstompin' Podcast - Scottish and Scottish influenced music, mostly traditional folk. I'm working my way through their back catalog.

Project Follow-up: I got some dishes done, but I didn't do any of the things I planned on doing.

Tonight's Project: Tom & I are going to dinner at my Mom's tonight. :| If I have time either before or after I need to filter one of the cherry cordials, and maybe start a blueberry one. Of course, I'll need to buy more vodka in order to start any new cordials. We also need to go grocery shopping.

lj: links: podcast, lj: links: amazon, general life: state of the jenny, family: parents, projects: cordials, family: parents: mom, general life: health: joints, general life: health, general life: health: joints: knees, lj: links

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