Monday is Salsa

Feb 15, 2010 16:56

Body: I feel pretty good today. My feet are a little unhappy, but I think I just need to re-trim the insoles in my shoes.

Reading: I'm still reading The Kalevala: Or Poems of the Kaleva District

Hearing: The New York Times Book Review Podcast and The Commonwealth Club of California's podcast

Etsy find: A custom made, 50's style dress. I think it might be a good look for me.

Project Follow-up: The weekend in Providence was a lot of fun.

Tonight's Project: I need to filter the cherry cordial, and then put together the swap envelope. If I have time, I'll get it into the mail.

lj: links: podcast, general life: appearance, lj: links: amazon, general life: health: feet, general life: state of the jenny, general life: health, lj: links: etsy, lj: links

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