Productive Jenny Is Productive

Dec 19, 2009 17:01

This is what I accomplished this afternoon:

- I got the stuff for KC & family wrapped and in the mail. I'm not sure it will make it to their place by Christmas, but it will get there.

- Lunch

- I bought William's gift, a gift card for Dick's Sporting Goods.

- I bought the coffee, bath salts, and popcorn that form 3/4ths of Mom's gift. It took four stops, not including back-tracking to Professor Java's because I'd forgotten to ask them to grind the coffee, but I got them.

- All three of the above are in the canisters. Miraculously, I managed to buy exactly the right amount of each to fill the canister I planned on using for it. I'd still like to think of something for the fourth canister in the set. Anyone have any ideas?

All of this took two malls, a shopping plaza, and two stand alone stores. I am used up.

family: siblings, family: parents: mom, holidays: christmas, family: parents

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