The world's most unappetising-looking omelette. Though since I usually fail to make omelettes and only make scrambled eggs, it wasn't bad going.
The unappealing brown colour is because the cheese I was adding was somewhat bland, and I had recently had some umami-tastic eggs in a fried rice dish at a restaurant, which I thought might have been related to soy sauce. Only I forgot that the bottle of soy sauce I was using "glugged" rather than "dripping" so I added somewhat more than I meant to.
It was quite tasty, but it's just as well the cheese wasn't salty.
("Recipe", just in case anyone cares: sauté some garlic until beginning to brown, in butter or oil or both. Add a judicious dollop of frozen sweetcorn, stir until hot through. While corn is heating, beat eggs and beat in some grated cheese and some soy sauce. Add to hot pan and make omelette. I get this bit wrong, always, the whole pulling-it-away-from-the-base stuff. When only a bit wobbly on top, shove under pre-heated grill with remaining cheese sprinkled on top. Leave until done. Eat.)