
Apr 03, 2005 23:41

And now for the usual weekend report. Jenn and I went to Balls on Friday which was ok. It was so crowded I was sure that this would be the night I would bludgeon someone with a bottle. I am getting better with dealing with crowds but that was just too much. I'd say the most fun part of the evening is always later, once we've gotten back to my house, and we can talk and laugh.

Saturday I saw Sin City which was awesome. It was visually stunning, good music and mostly good performances. Mostly. Michael Madsen failed me though. He could hardly choke out his lines without condescension for the dialogue. Michael, what happened to the Mr. Blonde that I love from Reservoir Dogs? Why so half hearted this time?

Then I had a shift at the Crisis Center that was super quiet. Following that I decided to take Rob up on his drinking invitation. It was a small get together; only me, Melissa, Rob, Stacy, Jeremy and Jack/Matt. It was a lot of fun however. Why so fun? Because Melissa was drunk - drunkity drunk drunk. At most other festivities she and I have been at she's either felt uncomfortable because we were "rob's friends" or she was feeling ill. And neither of those situations occurred last night. So Melissa drunk is kind of like the girl from American Pie. "This one time at band camp..." should have come out of her mouth at some point, but it didnt. What did slip out was a whole lot of geography (I heard all of the states and their capitals) and an interesting little story about padfoot. And how Melissa MAY pet him a little inappropriately. I heard something about his "pink thing" and all I could think of is Janeane Garofolo saying "Love your pets, just don't LOVE you pets." She would go off on tangents about the root of some non-issue so all alcohol that night was dubbed 'explanation juice'.

Rob was kinda toasty when I arrived but really, Rob isnt that different drunk. It's still him, saying vastly inappropriate things, he just falls down after he says them. He managed to fall on one of the dogs and fall into the bathroom. This was Jeremy's first time drinking and he seemed to be having a very good time. He mostly said "Wow, I'm drunk" and "I don't know" to just about every question asked. Other than that he was usually laughing or smiling ear to ear. Stacy seemed to have a lot of fun observing my reaction to Melissa. We tried to keep reminding each other to notes on the LJ worthy things Melissa said, but alas, there was too much to remember and most has been forgotten.

All in all several shots were taken, many beers were spilled and a lot of laughing ensued. Finally, it was sleepy time. Rob went to bed early in the evening (lightweight) and turned into a lawn mower over the course of an hour. How Melissa sleeps through his snoring amazes me. Because of said sound effects she decided to share the futon with Stacy and Jeremy and I cozied up on the love seat. I will say only that he is an excellent snuggle buddy. I'm sure Rob will fill in the rest in the comments section. I drove home a few hours later and proceeded to sleep away the entire Sunday which felt lovely. Of course now I will be up all night, but really thats nothing new.
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