
May 14, 2013 10:45

I kinda feel like I'm waking up from a hundred year long sleep. Really too soon to say anything else.

I've been battling problems with foggy headedness on and off my whole life. I recently started taking more B6 and B12 than I had ever tried before -- like 1600% the normal daily allowance (it's in a supplement I picked up at  my school pharmacy when I was battling migraines)--plus reishi. The way I think and process is significantly different. I started watching youtube videos on science topics, for example (you'd think being a PhD student I'd do a lot of that, but I almost never do, I only read).  Normally it's like my brain is trying to process lots of stuff in a very tightly coiled, fast paced manner, because my working memory is so poor (I read whole pages in a glance for example, over and over again, rather than reading sentence by sentence, which sounds genius and overwhelming but it's not genius and it is overwhelming, but it's the only way I can see the whole picture). I get these huge bursts of insight but then it dies down. But now I can follow things unfolding in time. It's sort of like the coils have unstretched so I can follow stuff for a longer period of time with the same clarity.

EDIT, 2019: Fish oil / hemp oil (non-THC, non CBD) seem to do similar things. I take other things now.
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