He's gay??? But what about Topanga??

Jul 26, 2006 17:16

Everyone be very nice to Katie for the next few days. It seems that her long time dream boat, Senor Lance Bass, likes other boys more than previously suspected. As she pointed out to me, maybe we should have known all along. Because she's right--he really probably was always too pretty to be straight. I really need to go back and review the old video to see how I missed it.

Mostly I'm just upset about this because my gay-dar has failed me. Usually its very effective, but this one slipped by under the radar (or gay-dar, as you prefer). Although, in my defense, he had a whole PR team to help him dodge my killer instincts. If I'd ever met him, I think I would have figured it out. And anyway, I knew SOMETHING had to be up after I saw pictures of him wearing a John Kerry for President t-shirt. No hot, blonde, raised in the church rich boy from Mississippi votes Democratic if there's not something fishy going on.

Speaking of which, I saw on MSNBC the other day that John Kerry said that this situation in the Middle East (and our involement in it) never would have happened if he were president. Well no shit, Sherlock. That's why I voted for you. I need to get myself one of those "Don't blame me, I voted for Kerry" bumperstickers. My car will probably subsequently be severely damaged here in ultra-conservative Bell County, but then I can sue someone and get lots of free money.
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