Belated Thanksgiving wishes and birthday thank you

Nov 28, 2008 11:55

Hello, my friends!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving remembering and thanking the Lord for what He has done.  We are so blessed!

Our Thanksgiving was rather quiet as only John, Kim, and the boys came over.  As it was "just family" everything was a bit calmer and there was very little running around like a chicken with its head cut off stuff. ;-)  On our Thanksgiving table this year, we had: turkey, Dad's hamburger dressing, sausage, apple, raising stuffing (a new recipe!), mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, custard-filled cornbread (a new recipe!), crescents (we couldn't find any brown and serve rolls :-(), jello salad, jellied cranberries (from a can), pumpkin pie, raisin pie (my Dad's favorite--Mom surprised him, he had no idea she made it), and chocolate brownie trifle (for my birthday).  As you can see, we were not lacking in the food department. ;-)

I am also proud to say that I fixed/prepared a large portion of the food--except the turkey.  I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to do that.  LOL  And we won't even talk about carving it. I can't even carve a rotisserie chicken! ;-) If I ever get married I'll have to make sure the guy can fix the turkey and carve it. ;-)  LOL

Before I go on, I must give you all a HUGE thank you!!  Thank you for all your birthday wishes, cards, e-cards, notes on my Facebook Wall, phone calls, etc.  You all are the absolute best friends a girl could want. :-)  I appreciated everyone remembering it--especially since it was on a busy day this year.  I am SO thankful for each and every one of you.  ::hugs::

As for  birthday stuff, we didn't do much different than just the Thanksgiving stuff except Julia and I did fix the trifle for a "cake"--it was SO GOOD!!!  Layers of brownies, chocolate pudding, whipped topping, chocolate chips, and toffee bits.  You can't beat that. :-)  I opened gifts during dessert and received: a Hercule Poirot DVD set, John Adams DVD set, Presidential Courage (book), Awake by Josh Groban, and Ceremonial Music for Trumpet and Symphonic Organ (CD).  The last three were from John and his family.

Now that Thanksgiving is over, we're moving on to Christmas.  Usually we don't get the Christmas decorations up until at least the first or second week of December (we're slow like that), but this year, we're going to try to get them up this weekend because my parents' Biblestudy is meeting on Friday for their one and only meeting in December.  Last year they did all the Christmas stuff (gift exchanges and such) with the fall decorations up...and that just wasn't right, so we're making a point this year to get the Christmas decor up before then.  And once Monday comes, there's absolutely no time to do it, so we're going to try to do it this weekend.  I"m not sure if we'll be able to get the tree up (because of space in the living room) before Christmas break, but we'll see.  We're at least hoping to get the garlands and some lights up.

But now, I think I'd better get back to work.  The adobe needs to be vacuumed.

Oh, I forgot.  Two links I wanted to share (stolen from Challies' daily list) with interested parties:

1) Steven Curtis Chapman wrote a song in honor of President Bush which I think is very appropriate:  Good-bye, Mr. President

2) melyndie and bellawilfer, another article about Emily Stauffer: How We're Doing

Those of you who have a long weekend--enjoy the rest of it!  And to those of you who are shopping--I want to hear your crazy stories, how early you got up, mullah saved, etc. :-)  (I never brave Black Friday.  LOL  But my mom did go to JoAnn's, so I gave her a list. ;-)  Haha, I DID have to go to work, and we left at the same time, so there!)

public, food, holidays, links, thank you, birthday

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