Mar 11, 2011 14:04
Yeah, I totally needed another blog. Oh well, what can I say; I'm a glutton for punishment. If anyone happens to find this and start reading, I'll warn you right now: I have a habit of posting very infrequently to almost everything I use (except Facebook. I update status pretty regularly but it's usually just boring stuff) and often need something of a kick in the pants to put something new up.
Also, I'm very scatterbrained so this will no doubt be a random hodgepodge of thoughts, poetry, stories, weird dreams I had, and occasional opinions which no one really cares about (though in person my friends have the decency to nod and act interested in my ramblings).
A little bit about me: I'm a librarian (with a master's degree and everything!) and wanna-be writer (the only thing I've ever had published was in a school lit magazine...unless you count things I've published to my profiles on writing websites and blogs. If you count that, then I've had loads published). I live in Texas in a relatively small city in the panhandle (and grew up in an even smaller town/village--because it's that small). I'm pretty low-key, though sometimes I like to pretend that I'm in my early 20s rather than my late 20s. I'm not married nor do I have any children. I love all things Joss Whedon, attend renaissance faires (in costume), and secretly wish that Tardises were real (as well as the bow-tie/Converse wearing madmen who drive them). If there's anything else you'd like to know, drop me a line.
"Can't Stop the Signal"
p.s. I like to use quotes from movies, song lyrics, and just anything spoken/written that I think was funny and/or remarkable in my blogposts. So if that irks you, you probably won't enjoy my blogs. If it doesn't and you instead see it as a sort of Scavenger Hunt, kudos! We could totally be friends. :)
doctor who,
joss whedon,