Jun 13, 2005 23:17
well, i just got back from my game. hey we won!!! anyways, i will be leaving tomorrow for annual conference with church so i wont be home until sunday...hope ya miss me! LOL i will have the cell on if you would like to call em or just leave me one! really have not been up to much babysitting, cheer practice, softball, swimming, a little bit of everything i guess just here and there! and the softball team has been winning lately so that is awesome, cuz we sucked at the beginning but those games were like against farrell so yea. so i have wanted a tent forever and i got one and then my brother left the windows open and flooded it. grr i wanna kill him. but i get to be away from him for almost a week. goody! i rain again today!!!i love feeling that burning feeling when you are done, i know weird but i love it, so try to push further!!!hehehe dont know if there is much else to say right now but summer is off to a good start, teh new bsb cd comes out tomorrow, and ehh i am leaving tomorrow. i guess thats all for now kids
if anyone has some ideas for sunday night plans call the cell!~!
otherwise it is goodbye and see ya later in the summer:~)