the welcome here is endless

Mar 28, 2007 21:38

I've been sick. If my mom knew how sick I was and that I wasn't taking any doctor-prescribed medication, she'd surely have a fit. Congestion is my destiny. I'm coming to terms.

Some people have blogs so they can talk about their day-to-day lives with their children. Well, I feel like maybe I should create a separate livejournal for my life with Butters, because I always want to write about him in this here blog. Not that children and cats are equal. And not that I can keep up with two livejournals. I can barely handle the pressure of one. Yes, pressure. Why is it pressure? I don't know.

Back to Butters. He has moments of extreme evilness. Eviality? Fine, just evil. That's boring. Unlike Parker, who was at least half evil most of the time, Butters is usually sweet and loving. And by usually I mean the vast majority of the time. Then all of a sudden, bam, he swats and hisses with no warning. WTF?? Needless to say, he gets a woopin' in return, but how effective is punishment when the crime is only committed once a month and lasts only 2 seconds?

So, Eric Daniel Fillebaum is engaged. Happy? Yes. Makes Jenny feel a little old? Yes. Actually, it doesn't make me feel old. It just makes me think of how fast time goes by, which is completely cliche so I won't go any further.

I've been watching a little bit of Food Network, namely Barefoot Cantessa. Maybe it's my first step toward domestication. Maybe it's a result of living with Chef Holby. I don't know. Regardless, it's hard to live up to my "Jenny doesn't cook or iron like a real woman should" persona with this kind of pressure. Interest in cooking keeps creeping up on me.

The real purpose of this entry? I don't know. Sometimes I ask myself, what would Webb do? ...which is just silly given how different Webb and I are. Anyway, that's totally tangential.

I have a HUGE decision to make. Life altering. It's a shame really, given how much I love where I am at the moment, because now it's tainted with the stress of decision making. I find the silliest things to dread. It's an opportunity, Jenny. Whatever you choose. It's an opportunity.
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