Oct 02, 2005 22:11
You should know...
Add water to oatmeal before microwaving. Otherwise, be prepared for fire and bad odor.
Be careful about how you say things in a LIVEjournal. Vague can be incriminating too, especially when it's misinterpreted. For my own peace of mind, in case you read my last entry and cared enough to be disappointed in my behavior, I didn't get smashed and have wild sex Friday night. Reading back, I'll admit it sounded pretty bad. I edited, so no need to go back and read. To prevent any future confusion, know that even if I do get smashed and have sex with a stranger, I won't announce it in my lj. Gah, I'm so funny.
I like how I make a big deal about something that people probably don't give two shits about.
Back to work. Ok no lies. Time to start work.
sssw ,kcl .;l c099 ...that was Parker saying goodnight.