Some of you know John, "The Skewness", "The Herbalisk", and some of you don't know him at all... But, either way, he is moving to Australia and needs to find a home for 2 fabulous kitties!!! They love to hunt together and his hope is that they would be able to stay outdoor cats. I know that's hard for those in the city, and it's not out of the question for them to be indoors... Here is the info:
Thanks for helping me look for a home for these guys! They're fixed, have all their outdoor vaccinations including leukemia, and get along well with each other and other cats. They have been living at my mom's house with her 3 cats but my mom thinks 5 cats is too much. I'm really going to miss them and I want to make sure they go to a good home. Their names are Deez (the male) and Linnea, they are brother and sister and will be 2 years old in october.