more L’Anglaise et le Duc captures

Apr 06, 2005 14:41

Before tackling those sleeves again I decided to look through my books and screen captures once again. If you will recall I went through all this last November when I worked on the sleeves for my original toile. This afternoon's exercise was more to refresh my memory than anything. Also the sleeves for this pattern are slightly different than the ones I used before so there were a few specific things I needed to look out at.

I'm a visual learner and I've found, especially with sleeves, it's helpful to actually see them in action. Where the seams lay on the body, how they move and wrinkle - that sort of thing. They always look so perfect in drawings. :> I went through my L’Anglaise et le Duc captures and watched some of Slipper & the Rose. The captures were more helpful, better angles and such, although the sleeves are slightly different styles than what I'm doing.

While I was messing about with the files I found an easy way to make the files larger than the last ones I uploaded. So, I'll be adding a page of captures to my site at some point. For now here are some of the ones I found helpful today.

z:archive:18th:anglaise:redstripe, film

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