Today's project - quilt squares!
Today was the annual Open House for the Quilting Fellowship at CCF. It was an all day quilt-fest with a goal of having enough squares for a full quilt top at the end of the day. The gals in charge picked out fabric, we picked out whatever pattern we wanted and everyone sewed.
I was just going to do one square, you know to help out, then work on my stays. Then one square turned into 2 and then into 4. I am a glutton for punishment and punishment there was to be had in abundance! I had to rip out and re-stitch the first few pieces that I sewed with basting stitches, rip out and re-stitch the 16 squares that should have been triagles and got to the end only to rip out and re-stitch one final piece that had somehow ended up backwards. *sigh*
Finished at last! It only took me all day. This ladies and gentlemen is why I don't quilt. Bad things happen. I just don't do simple well I think. :P
Well I did get part of my stays cut out but more on that project later... *wink*