I'm feeling better, yay! It turned out to be annoying 48 hour thing. I did get 3 motifs done in 4 days though, so that was good. This pic does not do my frock justice...
I had to skip the motif in the very center of the train as I found I had messed up the tracing some how. The flower was off and since it's the center back I'm being anal about it. I think it will work out though as I think moving the center flower a little higher (in addition to correcting my mistake) will actually look better. I think the hardest part of this outfit was tracing on the design, it really was (and continues to be) fiddly.
Last night I
sadievale and I got together to work on her English gown. She had sewn down all her back pleats beautifully so it was supposed to be an easy night of cutting and sewing seams. Um NOT!
Somehow how we ended up way short on the fabric. Unfortunately it was bought in Northern Virginia 6 months ago so going and getting more wasn’t an option. We moved the pattern pieces around, we fussed and fumed, we drank tea, we talked out every conceivable way to piece, trim, shorten and fudge. It took us a while but in the end we did get it all to fit, thanks to some piecing on the sleeve. Thank goodness piecing is period!
I have never been so close on a garment. Even with the piecing we were literally sacrificing notches because we needed that 3/16" of fabric. Good grief. We took a pic of what was left. That is literally all the scraps, amazing. We actually did it though, we are SO made of awesome! :>