Mar 03, 2007 11:04
My other plans for the weekend not working out, I can now work on my stays today *eyes boning with determination*. I might even get my pocket done, as I'm *this* close to being finished with it. Finishing is always a good thing.
I've also been working on the embroidery workshop I'm doing next Saturday. The quilting fellowship at church is having an open house, with food and different stations on the various steps of quilt making. I volunteered to teach a few basic embroidery stitches, as that is the last step of the quilt - the signature. I'm trying to keep it simple, so as not to overwhelm people. It should be fun, haven't "taught" handwork for years (taught ribbon embroidery at a Women's retreat long time ago). It's also got my mind working on the crewelwork class I want to teach at CC next year. I knew I'd need a vacation this summer but next year I want to start giving back a bit and crewelwork seemed the popular idea last year. I have a year to put that together (and get another project or two under my belt) but pre-planning is good right? :>
Looks like it will be a teaching spring, a friend has asked me to do a presentation on 18th century fashion to her DAR group in April. In fact, a reverse strip tease with commentary. :> I'm looking forward to it - there is nothing I love more than talking about (and showing off my) historic costuming. Now you know the real reason I'm working on new stays right now... *sly grin* Also on the list is a new shift, a proper bum roll, a new cap and some pannier (for show). I'd love to have my quilted petticoat done but *snort* - oh well!