My first day of sewing in the New Year went well! In fact I’m very proud of myself. I saw the New Year in working on my pocket. I was *this close* to being finished at midnight! I went to bed and finished it up yesterday morning. Now I just need to make it up into a pocket!
I then cleaned out my needlework bin (ditching most of my cross-stitch supplies, since I don’t think I will ever be into that again. I don’t think I’ve cross-stitched anything in a good 6 years…), repaired the pocket on one of Dad’s dress shirts, applied a finished quilt signature to a quilt and started another signature. Yay for cleaning out the pending bin!
I almost worked on my *secret project* last night but I was a good girl instead and worked on something I already had started - the Bleu Jacket & Petticoat. I sat down and figured out what style of jacket I wanted. I think I’m going to go with something like this one from What Clothes Reveal. There is a similar jacket in (my brand new!) Cut of Women’s Clothes, with the released pleats at the waist. I also saw one in this style at the Mary Doering lecture I went to in September. Mary’s was trimmed as a false zone… ummm…
I worked on the petticoat first though, since it was half done. I sewed the already pinned hem and pinned the pleats at the waist. Then I called it a night and rolled into my bunk.
Not terribly exciting I know but not bad for a day’s work, aye?