a bit of rambling

Dec 26, 2005 17:54

I was bad today. I mean I almost stayed in my budget but I mostly bought for future projects; future costumes, next year’s Twelfth Night… so bad! In my defense I think we are just about finished with this year’s Twelfth Night purchases. We bought some 17th century style goblets today (for a steal at Walmart no less!) but other than that, we need get favors, candles and the actual food. Oh and maybe some paints for the annual twelfth night craft project. *rolls eyes* How we are going to pull off that still hush-hush scheme I still don’t know! :>

Tomorrow we are off to Williamsburg for two days. Dad surprised us with a hotel room and a reservation at Trellis so I’m excited. We probably won’t do much in the historic area, mostly hitting the pottery and outlet malls. Sounds like fun to me! :>

I ordered my colonial shoes from Jas Townsend a few hours ago so they are on the way. I bought the necessary buckles and treated myself to a small pair of sewing scissors for RCHS outings as well. I really hope these shoes work as I’m really not interested in any of the other reproduction shoes I’ve seen (and I’ve looked all over!). My consolation is if they don’t work I can put the money toward Costume College, a very worthy cause, yes? *crossing fingers*

food, events:twelfthnight, shoes, life

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