Dec 06, 2005 00:29
I see: the little woman on my icon dancing for me
I need: hugs and kisses from Mike...i'm long overdue
I find: that though im freezing my ASS glad to be home
I want: a lot
I have: too much
I wish: for world peace (practicing for miss USA)
I love: you and you and you and you....
I hate: it when people cop a 'tude at work with their b&bw coupons
I miss: a lot of memories...but glad thats what they are
I fear: that im getting really bitchy in my old age
I feel: pleasently plump (i ate a lot)
I hear: puppy snoring
I smell: my home
I crave: pancake palace food...mmmm
I search: for missing socks...i swear this house eats them
I wonder: what im going to do when i graduate
I regret: nothing
When was the last time you ...
Smiled? a minute or so ago
Laughed? (see above)
Cried? wow...i think it was actually the last week of school. thats incredible!
Bought something? a few days ago...i cashed in and bought a lip gloss
Danced? last thursdays at RJ's
Were sarcastic? every breath
Kissed someone? aw 2 and a half weeks ago...unfair
Talked to an ex? currently
Watched your favorite movie? last week
Had a nightmare? this morning. going back to sleep after youre fully awake is not good for dreams
A Last time for everything.......
Last book you read: wow i think it was "Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers" but i cant remember...its been awhile
Last movie you saw: i heart huckabees (for the 5th time)
Last song you heard: some band i dont know singing some song that i dont know
Last thing you had to drink: a chocolate monkey from Uno's....soo good
Last time you showered: umm a little bit ago
Last thing you ate: tomato and cheese pizza
Do You...
Smoke? NO
Do drugs? pain relief
Have sex? i do.
Sleep with stuffed animals? not anymore
Live in the moment? haha no. i cant even say that i try lately.
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yeah :)
Have a dream that keeps coming back? not lately
Play an instrument? nope
Believe there is life on other planets? sure
Remember your first love? yep
Still love him/her? of course
Read the newspaper? sometimes
Have any gay or lesbian friends? yeah and i have straight ones too!
Believe in miracles? yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? i think so.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? i would say yes, but try asking me after a crank of a customer just hassled me about meaningless lotion....
Consider love a mistake? no
Like the taste of alcohol? its alright
Have a favorite candy? i dont think i have one
Believe in astrology? some parts. most of my descripters fit me really well...esp. the stubborn part
Believe in magic? and i know you do...
Believe in God? yep
Pray? a lot
Go to church? no
Have any secrets? lots
Have any pets? well my parents have a dog and a horse...i have the cats...thats enough
Do well in school? yep!
Go to or plan to go to college? already livin the dream man
Have a major? interior design
Talk to strangers who instant message you? no i dont really im that much
Wear hats? no
Have any piercings? 7
Have any tattoos? no...
Hate yourself? no!
Have an obsession? umm what arent i obessed with? i love mermaids, my name, great danes, puppies, kitties, and thing small and cute
Collect anything? not really
Have a best friend? i have a bunch :)
Wish on stars? no...i just like to watch them
Like your handwriting? sure
Have any bad habits? loads i'm sure
Care about looks? haha
Believe in witches? yes
Believe in Satan? no