Nov 04, 2004 05:03
From what I can tell right now:
Black is White and White is Black
Down is Up and Up is Down
On is Off and Off is On
Good is Bad and Bad is Good
Here is There and There is Here
Near is Far and Far is Near
Sitting is Standing and Standing is Sitting
Going is Staying and Staying is Going
In the last week or so my perspective has been frazzled. When I used to say “I should do that (more)”, I never really carried through. I’ve been thinking a lot, oh no, and I’ve realized, more so, that I need to stop saying things. I want to be more proactive. I visited my Grandma is the hospital today and it scared me. But, it also made me recognize, welcome, and value many aspects of my life.
I don’t want to be upset about this in front of my mom. I think she has it hard enough.
I am going to try and only drive my car to school.
I am going to force my bike out of the garage.
I am going to start applying myself to the school that I am paying for anyways.
I am going to eat more vegetables and less processed food.
I am going to stop worrying and just start doing.
I am going to stop apologizing.
I am going to start talking to (more) new people.
I am going to be more decisive.
I am going to stop making jokes about myself.
I am going to start sleeping at night and not during the day.
I am going to stop relying on my computer to make friends for me.
I am going to limit my Diet Coke intake, for real.
I am going to stop biting my nails.
I am going to stop being so nervous.
I am going to start by acing my test today and then finding applications for university.
Seeing this list off all the things I want to change about me makes me feel really weird. These were right off the top of my head, zero point two seconds of thinking. I can’t imagine what other people can contribute. I’m asking you actually, you don’t have to post it on here but you can tell me I’m all ears, I’m reasonable and I need help. I also feel like I am going into rehab.
Sorry for the tone, seriousness, or reason for this post. It’s 5:00am. No one is around. And sometimes I wish you were all awake so we could eat mint chip icecream and I could spill my guts while we watched Jerry Springer.
Voting is Voting for the wrong person.
“I’m sorry sir, you were supposed to check the box that said KERRY!”
Offline doesn’t exist.