(no subject)

Oct 28, 2004 21:00

I was bored:

-What is your name? Jennifer Michelle Nicholls

-What does your name mean? It means my nana couldn’t pronounce the other selections.

- How old are you? 20

-Describe yourself in 5 words: hand guns and hard liquor.
- What are your worst qualities: I stutter when I'm nervous (hey mark, me too!)
- What are your best qualities: My excuse making abilities.
- How long does it take you get get ready in the morning: 5 minutes.

- Where are you? Sitting in my room.
- Wearing any jewelry? A ring and my watch

-What color pants you wearing right now? blue jeans
- What was the last thing you said? “Yes, I love bean sprouts”
- What was the last thing you ate? A pita.

-Who would you want to spend the rest of your life with? Otis Redding or someone who appreciates him like I do.
- Have you ever been kissed? Yes
- Broken someones heart? I would hardly constitute a breakup on my part heart wrenching.

-Been in love? Yes…but I’ll let you know for sure when I decide I like someone enough to move in with them.
- Wanted someone? Who hasn’t? It’s what the games all about.
- What do you first notice about the opposite sex? Chest or shoulder because I’m short but I like eyes a lot.
- Best thing that happen to you this year? People in my house started putting the Diet Coke in the fridge.

-Favorite color? Pea soup green, red.
- Favorite ice cream? Chocolate chip cookie dough from yogen fruz.
- Favorite season? I like all of them; it’s the in betweens I don’t like.
- Who makes you laugh the most? The talented Mr. Frias.
- Who makes you smile? Lots of people.
- Whose got your back? Charlotte, she would beat up anyone.
- Who has a crush on you? My mechanic.
- Do you have a crush on someone? I usually do. To what degree is the real question.
- Do you ever save aim conversations? I don’t use aim.
- Do you ever save emails? Sometimes.
- Ever been rejected? Who hasn’t?
- Been in lust? Yeah.
- Cheated on someone? I’m not a dick.
- Been cheated on? Apparently.
- Hooked up with someone? Van Halen.

- Do you dream at night? What kind of question is this?
- Do you remember your dreams? Occasionally.
- Describe one: Everyone had pink eye and called it black eyes. They tried to infect me. I woke up in a cold sweat and it still happens occasionally. 
- What time do you go to bed usually? 2:30am when its not mid-terms.
- What time do you wake up normally? 7:30am
- What time do you wake on weekends? 2:00pm
- Do you find waking late nice or annoying? If I have nothing to do, I welcome it.
- Do you sleep with one pillow or two? 4. I take sleeping to the next level.

- Do you like school? Some days more than others.
- Why/why not? There are cute people to look at there.
- What’s you’re favourite subject? Fundamentals of Surveying.
- Most hated subject? Microbiology.
- Do you have a favourite teacher? MARTIN!!!!! I’ve had a lot of favorite teachers.
- Ever had a crush on a teacher? Not really, but I have had some hott ones.
- Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person? I am the definition of illiterate.

- Do you have heaps of friends? I have heaps of acquaintances. A few amazing close friends.
- Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends? I used to, it had evened out.
- Do you ever get annoyed at any friend? Yes.
- Have you ever lied to a friend? I’m sarcastic..so yes?
- Have you ever stolen a friends boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? I didn’t steal. She said go for it. I think the whole claiming deal is stupid anyways.

- Ever run away from home? No. I was far to lazy.
- Ever thought about it? When I was little.
- Do you have any siblings? 1
- If so, do you like or get annoyed with them? Jay and I have a weird relationship.
- How old are they? 23
- Do you feel your parents spoil you? Unfortunately, yes.
- Do you not get along with any of your family? We get along great.
- Do you have big family get togethers ever? Very frequently.

- Do you have a crush? This was already asked I think.
- Do they know you like them? I never tell.
- Is it serious or playful? They are always playful.
- How long have you liked them? A bit.
- Ever done something stupid to impress them? I’m a master at the art of stupidity. Many time.
- Have you ever experienced unrequited love? I was the one not reciprocating.
- Do u find it romantic or hurtful? Find what?

- Do you believe that a person shouldn't have sex before marriage? I don’t think its that big of a deal.

-Believe in casual sex? To each his own.

- Have you ever been drunk? Yes. Scene 2002.
- Stolen? Keychains.
- Shoplifted? See above.
- Tried to commit suicide? I’m a wuss. I never wanted to.
- Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend? Nothing big.
- Gotten into a fight? Too Many! I’m to passive for some peoples opinionated views.
- Are you more innocent or guilty? Innocent.
- Are you racist? Only towards Mark.
- Are you discriminatory to anyone? No.
- Have you been a hypocrite in the past? Everyone’s a hypocrite.
- Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs? As long as they have facts to back it I’m all for hearing about it.

- What’s your favourite number? 8
- What’s your favourite fruit? raspberry
- What’s your favourite vegetable? Too many to decide.
- What’s your favourite salad dressing? None. gross
- What’s your favourite color? This has also already been asked.
- What’s your favourite shampoo? I like loreal.

- Do you watch tons of TV? I’m a movie person.
- How many times have you been to the movies in the past 6 months? 8 or 9
- Do you listen to the radio often? never
- Do you read the newspaper? When it's for free. Yes
- Do you read magazines? Cosmo and Under the Radar.
- Are you a couch potato? I sit in my chair more.
- Do you use the Internet too much? I’m on my computer for school and I end up doing anything but…so yes.

- What’s your favourite style of music? I hate this question
- Do you play an instrument? I want to play: piano, cello, drums, guitar.
- Do you sing? When I’m alone.
- What’s your favourite band? I hate this question.
- Why? Because I always go blank and my taste always changes.
- Have you met them before? If I had one, maybe. I’ve met a lot of people.
- Name 3 cds that you’ve bought in that last year: Les Georges Leningrad, Sea Snakes and Japanther.
- Why did you buy them? I had money and a music addiction

-         Favorite song: Argh

-         Least Favorite song: The Nu Metal remake of a Madonna song.

- What’s your favourite sport? Baseball or Hockey
- What’s your favourite sport to watch? Snowboarding, Hockey
- Do you have a favourite team of any sort? Team ARA
- Do you play a lot of sports? I used to.
- ever won anything for sport? 1st place a couple times.

- Are you funny or serious? I’m both.
- Creative or not? I can be.
- Logical thinker or lateral thinker? Both, I always wanted to be a private Investigator.
- Are you outgoing or shy? HAHAHAH. I’m shy.
- Are you lazy or active? I say I’m lazy but I’m really not. I just need to find people who like outside where I like outside.
- Have you ever been hyperactive? When I drink.
- Are you a naturally hyperactive person? Not really.

- Do you have a job? For the first time in forever, no.

Do you like it? Being unemployed is balls.
- Are you a saver or a spender? I wish I was jewish.
- Do you work hard or slack off? I slack off when I can afford to.

-Have you ever been fired? No.
- In trouble at work? No.
- Made a major mistake? Many.
- money or job? Sure.
- Ever had money stolen from you? Jen - “Hey guys, that looks like my backpack”

Guy carrying backpack quickens his pace.

Jen - “that was my backpack”
- Are you always broke? I have a line of credit.
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