Aug 16, 2008 00:57
I'm off to Costa Rica at 7am tomorrow morning XD
I'm so excited, this is gonna be the holiday of a lifetime....literally! my parents have told me repeatedly that they're never spending this much on a holiday again and that I should appreciate it all, which I do ofc :)
The one issue is not seeing Chris for two weeks :(
it's got me thinking; Why is it that two weeks away from him seems like forever?! even ONE DAY seems like forever! We've been talking about this on msn, and he says he feels the same. I feel so close to him that it's unbelievable. Ever since meeting someone our age that's married, it got me thinking. I always thought marriage at our age is too soon, but now I get it. I'd always wait a lot longer myself, but I mean, I understand feeling that way about someone, just knowing you have something so special that it will last and caring so much about someone that you never ever want to be without them ^^
he's my childish, but clever little vegetarian that knows me more than anyone and is always there for me. The only person that agrees with me about the world, about animal rights. The only person that hugs me and that keeps me warm at night. If we're not still together in 10 years time, i'll eat my hat...that would mean a lot more if I owned a hat, but you get the point!
I'll be back in two weeks with plenty of pictures!