Feb 26, 2004 23:27
*your real name?
jennifer grace salmonson
* what friends call you?
jen, jenny, jenny wenny penny, grace, gracie, blondie
* what your (ex) boy/girl friend calls you?
i don't know, i don't talk to chad anymore. good riddance.
* what's a name you once wished you'd rather have?
brooke. that was my original name. for like a day! then they changed it.
* what is/are the ugliest name(s) you can think of?
gertrude, martha, marvin (lol martha and marvin are my grandparents names!!!)
* what would you name these is you has them as pets...
(a) turtle? randall
(a) goose? whitey
(a) pirate? booty
(a) a hot boy/girl? shnookums
* if there was a song about you, what would it be called?
"jenny grace" duh.
* what would you name your kids?
kaitlyn, brooke, ethan, joshua
* what would you name a ship you built?
* have you ever...
(a) thrown up in public? no
(b) eaten/drank anything spoiled? no
(c) had a rip in your pants you didn't know about? a tiny one in the crotch!
(d) tripped while checking someone out? no but i choked does that count
(e) had to pay for something you broke? nope
(f ) nearly drowned? no i am a lifeguard silly
(g) passed out? yeah after donating blood!
(h) had a crush on someone not single? yes =/
(i ) been stuck in the rain? yeah it was really fun actually
(j ) been attacked by an animal? a dog bit me when i was little i cried
(k) caught people having sex? no
(l ) fallen asleep while driving? almost. very close
(m) felt attracted to someone of the same sex? not in a sexual way
(n) actually slipped on a banana peel? no, never had the opportunity.
* finish the sentence...
(a) i once had a dream... that the abominable snow monster from rudolph was chasing me. it was recurring nightmare i had when i was a kid =/
(b) i'm only racist towards... Finnish people hehe
(c) i don't even know why... everyone likes Lord of the Rings
(d) i'd give anything to have sex with... jesse .. when we get married of course
(e) nothing sucks more that having to... to go to school from 1-8:15PM on thursdays =(
(f ) if i had $6 i'd buy... i wish i have 6 bucks. really. probably a coffee, bagel, and a cinnamon roll from the local coffee shop. omg that sounds GOOD.
(g) it's getting hot in here, so i should take off my... left nipple
(h) it's always more fun if you... wear huge goofy glasses
(i ) you can't eat steak without... it being a steak grinder
(j ) you better shut up before i... kick your scrawny ass, ho.
(k) just put it in my... cleavage
(l ) i really like you and everything... but i'm a lesbian
(m) i'm not who you think i am.. but i am not a skanky ass ho mkay
(n) dude! where's my... knitting needles
* what would you do if...
(a) a dirty old guy at the airport slaps your ass? probably just give a disgusted look and laugh
(b) you witness someone about to steal your car? jump for joy... car insurance money time!
(c) you wake up with a billion spiders crawling all over you and your bed? yeah definitely freak out. definitely.
(d) the person you just kissed tells you they have oral herpes? wtf? why didn't they mention this before? oh well i'm already infected...
(e) britney spears was at your front door asking for jumper cables? make her pay big bucks for them
(f) you had a time machine? go back to the victoria era. dunno why
(g) fox gave you a half hour show to do whatever you wanted? amateur porn baby
* what would you rather
(a) find the cure for cancer or aids? cancer
(b) have the power to fly or power to teleport? teleport
(c) have the power to see the future or record your dreams? future
(d) be really skinny or really fat? really skinny
(e) be lost in a forest or stuck in a box? box
(f ) be in a drama or comedy? drama
(g) be in a hip hop video or rock video? rock
(h) have your birthday on christmas or feb 29th? february 29th. i wish it was
(i ) live in the sewer or in afghanistan? afghanistan. they're rebuilding!
(j ) be in a mental institution or penitentiary? mental institution
(k) snowboard or hangglinde? hangglide
(l ) be a ninja or pirate? a pirate
* what's the first thing that comes to your mind when you read these words...
(a) courage? the cowardly dog. unfortunately
(b) driver? bad drivers
(c) yoga? weird old ladies
(d) bakery? cinnamon rolls
(e) roach? papa roach
(f ) mushroom? stupid druggies
(g) sprung? when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and round thing in your face you get SPRUNG
(h) pythagorean? my friend coriann, math nerd
* come up with an acronym (ex: G M S = give me steak)
(a) S O L R A C? some old ladies rail animal c0( k (agh that was so dirty! ew!)
(b) D A N G E R? does anyone need great enormous roadmaps?
(c) C H I N A? could happy incans nag americans
(d) R P G? really - pigeons gay!?
* what is your worst enemy?
myself. i hold grudges. i get myself into trouble.
* who is the last person you kicked?
probably jesse
* if you were a chess piece, what piece would you be?
* name 3 people you know whose names begin with the first letter of your first name
oh this is easy. we have a whole J-Crew. - jesse, jeremy, joshua
* what's your opinion ..
(a) "girls are nothing but drama"? they're MOSTLY drama, not all
(b) "only idiots watch the simpsons"? never heard that. thats gay
(c) "kentucky is way better than cali"? i'd go to kentucky before cali. i'm not into places where there are a lot of people. i'm weird. i like being a hick.
(d) "there is nothing wrong with stealing"? says who? thou shall not steal, remember?
(e) "alcohol is the answer to all your problems"? thats so stupid
(f ) "you don't need to go to college to be a surgeon"? yeah, actually, please do
(g) "music is stupid"? ok amish freak