May 28, 2005 05:02
So now that I've read all my old journal entries, including the ones from this time last year when Marissa and I decided to start journals, I'm feeling a little bit better. I've decided that it wouldn't be so bad if Sean and I did "take a(nother) break." Last time we were broken up things weren't that bad. We were still best of friends, saw each other all the time, did like everything together, and "fooled around." (I think I really don't like that phrase...) But the best part was we got along. Maybe we'll talk about that tomorrow. I feel like I should go down to Boston tomorrow but I really can't afford it. Maybe next week? or the weekend after? I hope things get better... I really hate fighting with him...
well I suppose I should get to bed so I don't sleep till 3 00 again!! hehe