First, an update for interested parties: I did not get the job. In fact, no one got the job! They are opening the position up again. (Which is always a bit insulting. But hey, if they are that sure they do not want me, it's all for the best, yes?)
The temperatures around here seem to have moved from hovering around 100+ to dropping all the way to 90+! I guess that means fall is just around the corner? Or Southern California's version of it anyway. To celebrate, I went out to Oak Glen the weekend before last and picked up some apples and assorted apple-y goodies. I paid for an overpriced but yet extremely tasty lunch at a perplexingly colonial themed* "tavern" and decided that it was way too hot to pick my own apples, other people could do that for me. I also went hiking and ran into a bobcat on the trail. Fun times!
Speaking of apples, I've been
collecting apple recipes on Pinterest because apple flavored desserts, pastries, and other baked goodies, while not as good as dark chocolate, are right up there in terms of Things I Love. On Monday I put two of the apples to good use trying one of the recipies out. Well, arguably good use. The
apple pie bites were as easy to make as advertised** - rare! when it comes to me and recipes! - but, well...the apple part is nom but the crust part not so much. This is the problem with using store bought crust. I could try making my own, and I plan to eventually, but going to all that trouble seems to defeat the purpose of this particular recipe, which seems to be "as few steps as possible." Hopefully I will have more luck with the next apple creation.
In other news, I made a three year old girl cry yesterday. I know! I am a mean librarian! On the bright side, the next time I tell her that she can hold the flannel board story piece I gave her, or none at all, she might actually believe me. And stop insisting that I take it back. And then get all upset when I don't give her the one she wanted instead.
For the record, having 20 or so 1 to 4 year olds help you tell a flannel board story is like a cross between herding cats and watching puppies play. (""On Tuesday the caterpillar ate two pears."" Ok! so two of you should have a green pear with a hole in it." - all the toddlers stare bewilderingly at the pieces in their hands. one of them raises theirs up a little and looks at you expectantly - "You have one? great! ok! come on up and put it on the board!" etc.)
Last of all, I would like to point out that
the world is ending. Slowly, and yet still all too soon. On the bright side, there wasn't a dead body in the trash bins or on the railroad tracks behind my apartment complex, which I seriously thought might be the case on Monday morning as I went to my car.
*why? wha? huh? Why is there a mini fake WIlliamsburg in Southern California?
**Minus the part where I stood there staring at a round pie crust, trying to figure out how to cut it into sixteen even rectangles. Also, minus the part where I forgot to coat the apple slices in the sugar mixture before wrapping them in the pie crust strips, and instead rolled the already-wrapped-in-pie-crust apples slices in the sugar.