Book Report: March 2011 - Anthology Edition, Take 1

May 24, 2011 02:12

OMG Reviews!

I’ll bet you thought I gave up, didn’t you.  Never!  I just got distracted by life, school, and family drama. Waaaaaaay too much drama.

But now I’m back!  and, um, still need to finish my book reports for March.  *hides face in shame*

And because I am a crazy person that is going to review each story in the two (or was it three?) anthologies I read in March, I’m only going to talk about one book in this post:

Zombies vs. Unicorns edited by Holly Black and Justine Larbalestier

Before I talk about the text, can we just pause for a moment and stare in awe at the packaging?  And bow our heads and tell Josh Cochran that we are not worthy.  Because wow.

And the orgasmically* brilliant design doesn’t doesn’t end with the gorgeous, slick, and clever cover, either, for this is the table of contents:

*gazes adoringly*

And really, those pictures up there do not fully convey how over the top amazing this cover is, so let me also show you what the outside looks like without the dust jacket.

*pets book*

*sighs in rapturous admiration*

*cuddles my copy that has so far been signed by FOUR of the editors/authors*

Uh, sorry.  Where were we?  Oh, right, onto the book’s inner beauty.

In addition to twelve zombie-or-unicorn packed stories, this collection also comes complete with hilarious commentary by our two illustrious editors.  The back and forth between Holly and Justine regarding which is most awesomeist: zombies or unicorns was the perfect addition to this internet feud inspired anthology.  My only complaint was that their nerd!snark introductions got a little more spoilery than I would prefer, so if you tend to avoid spoilers like a zombie-borne-plague (or rainbow-colored-unicorn-farts?), I would suggest leaving the commentary until after you have finished the stories.

The Highest Justice by Garth Nix

I refuse to review this story because Garth Nix is a cheater!  His story has both zombies AND unicorns.  How am I supposed to decide which team I’m on if the writers keep cheating like that????  *makes disapproving frowny face*

Love Will Tear Us Apart by Alaya Dawn Johnson

You know what one of the best things about reading an anthology is?  Finding great authors that you hadn’t heard of before.   Such as the kind of writers that tell stories about zombies falling in love.  With their dinner..dates, emphasis on the dinner part.  No, really.  And yes, it was as horrifying and amusing as it sounds.  (Which ended up being a theme among the Team Zombie stories, to tell you the truth.)

Purity Test by Naomi Novik

I’m just going to say that I’m not sure how anyone can not love a story that involves this exchange:

The unicorn brightened...”Are you a lesbian?  I’m pretty sure that doesn’t count towards virginity.”

“I’m pretty sure it does,” Allison said, “and sorry, but no.”
and leave it at that.

Bougainvillea by Carrie Ryan

When I went to ask Ms. Ryan to pretty please! sign my copy of Zombies vs. Unicorns! I also got the chance to tell her in person that I liked her story the bestest.  To be honest, I didn’t think it was going to be my favorite most of the time I was reading it - it kind of plods along for a while there and you aren’t really sure about the heroine at first - but oh my was that ending brilliant or what?

A Thousand Flowers by Margo Lanagan

It will surprise no one that knows anything about Lanagan’s work that this was one of the most unsettling stories of the bunch.  What you might not have anticipated, however, was that her quietly creepy story does not feature any rotting, omnivorous zombies but instead is about elegant unicorns...and the women who love them.

By the way, the answer to that question that you are afraid to ask is “yes.”  (Well, unless you are wondering about what happens “on screen” that is - this is still a YA book and not some kink meme on lj. :p )

The Children of the Revolution by Maureen Johnson

oh. dear. god.  I can’t...write anything about this story....because every time I try to, I collapse in a pile of giggles. And then I realize that I’m *giggling* at the coming zombie apocalypse and I just...I just...OMG.  I’m so sorry.  I am so out of words.  Either that or they can’t find room in my head amongst all the giggling.  That could be it.

The Care and Feeding of Your Killer Baby Unicorn by Diana Peterfreund

My reaction to this entry in the anthology can be summed up thusly:


Inoculata by Scott Westerfeld

I will admit that this was not my favorite, but it definitely had it’s moments and was appropriately disturbing in unanticipated ways.  Plus, is Westerfeld awesome at characterization or what?

Princess Prettypants by Meg Cabot

Dear Meg,  Never stop being full of adorkable silliness.  Ever.  Love, Me :)

Cold Hands by Cassandra Clare

Sadly, this one didn’t really do it for me either.  Looking back, I think it might have something to do with this being, yet again, a story that is actually really about the boyfriend and not the heroine.  (Although, at least this time it makes more sense to tell it that way.)

The Third Virgin by Kathleen Duey

Why are all the most disturbing stories in this anthology about unicorns?  Why?

Prom Night by Libba Bray

Ah, there.  A zombie apocalypse story that is actually depressing!  Exactly what I needed.  *is content*

The End!

Now that we’ve all made it through all that, I would like to thank my readers, for sticking with me, and my big sis, for giving me my beloved copy of Zombies vs. Unicorns for Christmas this last year.

Why are you all still here?  Oh....are you all waiting to hear if I am Team Zombie or Team Unicorn?  Sorry to disappoint, but I’m still making up my mind.  Maybe *someone* needs to put together another anthology to help me do that, yes?

*I tried looking for an appropriate synonym, I swear.  But in the end, everything else fell short.

scifi, short stories, book report, fantasy, ya lit

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