happy happy happy day :)

Mar 05, 2010 15:25

1)  They finally called me about my car about an hour ago - I dropped it off this morning for it's 90,000 mile check-up in preparation for my trip to AZ and my upcoming hwy 1 trip.

The first estimate was $700+

Cue to my jaw dropping,  "Um, can we go through that bit by bit?"

Turns out the stuff I actually want done - any belts that are cracking replaced, any fluids that need to be changed, changed - should cost only $200+  yay!


- I should get at least two new tires soon (knew that, always get those at costco) I also desperately need new wiper blades.  (again, knew that. those are cheap and easy to install myself)

- One of my brake lights is out.  - they said they are fixing that for cheap.

-My license plate light, in the words of the mechanic "pulled a houdini" (which I sorta knew; I thought it was still there, but I knew it popped out of it's proper place.  Apparently there are limits to my dad's duct tape skills)

-One of my brake light covers is cracked.  To which I say duh, it has been since about two months after I bought the car.  I have not been pulled over for it yet.  So while I should fix it, especially as it is getting progressively worse, I'm not super worried about it.

What I'm more worried about is my speakers not working.  That's getting fixed before the lights.  Priorities people.  (If it turns out my speakers aren't blown, it's just that there is a broken connection, then I should be able to get the lights fixed, as I have money set aside to fix the speakers.  However, they are sometimes crackling, which suggest the former or both, rather than the latter alone.)

2) Black Cocoa from King Arthur Flour arrived today

3) My swimsuit from Figleaves arrived today and it fits!!!!!!!  *does the Snoopy dance*


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